Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Divided We Fall

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority...the Constitution was made to guard against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." - Noah Webster

This truth is so timely in regards to the state of our nation. We have been swindled by the "good intentions" sold to us by all political parties, and by all politicians. Our emotions have been toyed with, molded into indigence of truth, purposefully used as a means to polarize us and disconnect us from what unites us. It is time for a We The People intervention to break this addiction to emotionally motivated party loyalties, to repent from ignoring the truth and return to the measuring standard of the Constitution.

Our Constitution is unique to all others because it is the ultimate governing authority over the people, and by being so, that frees the people from being "governed" by one person or legislative branch. It frees a people from any form of "master". If we forsake this truth, only then will we cease to be a free people, but rather a governed and mastered people.
As Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." This truth begs the question "How will we destroy ourselves?". The simple answer is, "Divided we fall". When we as a people become so gullible, so disconnected with truth and exceedingly self absorbed, then division is inevitable. We begin to fulfill the Alinsky goal of polarization, leading to the ability of power hungry politicians, who mean to fundamentally transform our nation, to steal our freedoms from under us in the guise of "for the common good".
 The only way to restore our nation and overcome polarity is to Unite! We must recognize that the common bond we have is our Constitution, and we must be determined as a united people to defend it. We must rebuke politicians who are not aligned with maintaining and defending Constitutional liberties or adhering to its legislative constraints, regardless of their party affiliation. We must demand that they fulfill the oath they took upon  their inauguration to "Uphold and defend the Constitution", and abruptly admonish them appropriately when they fail to honor their oath. Honor must be demanded and restored to The People's offices. We must govern THEM well.
As JFK said wisely, "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer." Our constitution is our guide to the "right" answer, always.
Freedom is not maintained by a blind and arrogant people loyal only to party, it is however maintained by the vigilant ones who are wise to the ways of the deceitful and determined, by all means necessary, to defend those freedoms.
Stand Across America is a moment for Patriots to express their commitment to support our Constitution, and to unite We The People for the purpose of restoring our Rebuplic's founding values.    

Join those Committed to Stand at facebook.com/standacrossamerica and also at standacrossamerica.com

Follow us on Twitter @standacrossusa

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