Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Divided We Fall

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority...the Constitution was made to guard against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." - Noah Webster

This truth is so timely in regards to the state of our nation. We have been swindled by the "good intentions" sold to us by all political parties, and by all politicians. Our emotions have been toyed with, molded into indigence of truth, purposefully used as a means to polarize us and disconnect us from what unites us. It is time for a We The People intervention to break this addiction to emotionally motivated party loyalties, to repent from ignoring the truth and return to the measuring standard of the Constitution.

Our Constitution is unique to all others because it is the ultimate governing authority over the people, and by being so, that frees the people from being "governed" by one person or legislative branch. It frees a people from any form of "master". If we forsake this truth, only then will we cease to be a free people, but rather a governed and mastered people.
As Abraham Lincoln said, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." This truth begs the question "How will we destroy ourselves?". The simple answer is, "Divided we fall". When we as a people become so gullible, so disconnected with truth and exceedingly self absorbed, then division is inevitable. We begin to fulfill the Alinsky goal of polarization, leading to the ability of power hungry politicians, who mean to fundamentally transform our nation, to steal our freedoms from under us in the guise of "for the common good".
 The only way to restore our nation and overcome polarity is to Unite! We must recognize that the common bond we have is our Constitution, and we must be determined as a united people to defend it. We must rebuke politicians who are not aligned with maintaining and defending Constitutional liberties or adhering to its legislative constraints, regardless of their party affiliation. We must demand that they fulfill the oath they took upon  their inauguration to "Uphold and defend the Constitution", and abruptly admonish them appropriately when they fail to honor their oath. Honor must be demanded and restored to The People's offices. We must govern THEM well.
As JFK said wisely, "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer." Our constitution is our guide to the "right" answer, always.
Freedom is not maintained by a blind and arrogant people loyal only to party, it is however maintained by the vigilant ones who are wise to the ways of the deceitful and determined, by all means necessary, to defend those freedoms.
Stand Across America is a moment for Patriots to express their commitment to support our Constitution, and to unite We The People for the purpose of restoring our Rebuplic's founding values.    

Join those Committed to Stand at facebook.com/standacrossamerica and also at standacrossamerica.com

Follow us on Twitter @standacrossusa

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Our Founders, being oppressed by tyranny for generations, understood one amazing reality that we take utterly for granted today; they understood the unalienable rights of the individual. Unalienable because they derived not by any institution of government or man. They are natural, because from birth we have the capacity to think, we have opinions about all things, and we desire to express those opinions. This is what creates our individualism. We naturally have thought processes and a desire, because we are relational, to share them. Due to the fact that our founders witnessed and experienced the suppressing of these natural rights by tyranny, the first amendment was written into the Bill of Rights. It is not a “positive” document in the sense that it states what you can do. It does not state “All citizens can speak and express opinions”, rather it is negative, it states the restriction of the governments involvement. It is natural for man to think of ones existence (who am I? where did I come from?), therefore, it states, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.  This produces a Liberty of religion. I am a horse person, and when I work with my horse “at liberty” I work the horse without constraints. The same is true here. It is stated that the Congress may not “constrain” We The People in regards to religion. It is also natural for one to express their opinions with others in verbal conversation and in print to the masses, therefore, it is written that “Congress shall make no law prohibiting or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press”. This produces a liberty in individual expression. It is recognized also as natural that a social people desire to group in like mindedness for any cause or entertainment, therefore, it is written that “Congress shall make no law respecting, prohibiting or abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble”. This produces the liberty to congregate in any and all forms. Lastly, it is also natural that a people when wronged desire to express that wrong and take measures for those wrongs be righted, therefore, it is written that “Congress shall make no law respecting, prohibiting or abridging the right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. This produces the liberty to create, distribute, promote and return to our representatives our grievances of  articles we find unjust. This is all in the First Amendment. This Amendment is crucial to the sustainability of our Republic. Without the declaration of these natural laws, and the prohibition of  interference thereof, we are helpless at the defense of all other articles of the Bill of Rights. Like dominoes they will fall.

It is the silent usurpation of these natural rights that is most dangerous and present threatening. The sliest of forms is the attack on the individual ideal. This has been going on for decades, in our schools and by entertainment. Our children have been conditioned over these many years to conform, be politically correct, to not pursue excellence, to be like everyone else and to not stand up to wrongs or differences but to rather not get involved. They are conditioned to believe nature is greater than the existence of humanity, that their existence is happenstance, and that early life has no value to society. This conditioning begets a type of involuntary obedience that then places the individual seeking “positive rights” and surrendering, possibly unknowingly, their natural rights to the “Leaders in Government”; being convinced by this point that the Government will act in the best interest of the “community”. Remember, rights are derived naturally, and under the conviction that these natural rights manifest as our individualism, (something our Founders desperately wanted to be revered and protected) it would seem the back door manner to convince a free people to voluntarily surrender their rights is to first remove their ideal of individualism. A people conditioned to no longer think for themselves, act for themselves or speak for themselves, is no threat to rising tyranny but a welcoming friend.

  Franklin once said, ”They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty or safety.” His statement is ever so true now as is was then. We must deliberately think through the issues that plague us in society today and compare them to our Constitution. We must carefully examine our opinions to the plumb line our Founders fought to free us to. Be wise and aware of the threats to our liberties even if it may sound pleasant at the surface, and be cautious to not fall into the traps of political figure's crafty speech and empty promises.

In response to understanding our First Amendment liberties and the conviction followed to protect them, I invite you to unite with Stand Across America on April, 26,2014 and commit to STAND for our Constitution!

Friday, November 8, 2013


James Madison said, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”  Over 200 years ago, when our great Republic was yet a toddler in the age of older nations, our Founding Fathers recognized and battled the same examples of attacks on the rights of We The People as today. The silent encroachments of our liberties via environmental “regulations”, UN treaties that relinquish our Republic’s sovereignty, city ordinances that dictate what size drink we may purchase, restrictions of speech, controlled press, and mandates that prevent our choice of healthcare must cease in order for the Constitution to continue to be relevant.  These  encroachments have been taking place by various administrations for decades. So much so, that we have become a people accustomed to them to the point that we have forgotten that it is We the People and not We the Governed. Our Constitution separates us from all other nations in the world in the fact that it bestows us the ability to govern ourselves and the power to govern the Government. Our rights are not given to us as “positive liberties”, (ie: you may do this, you may do that) but they are recognized as inalienable, deriving from no institutional source. Our Constitution states that our elected officials may not impede on our rights in any form, they are the restricted we are the Free. Being that we are the only nation with such power, the answer to “why” needs to be remembered and acted upon in order for its preservation.

I grew up hating history. I personally have failed every class from grade school forward. My disdain for politics was no less, and only by the grace of God himself were my eyes opened and a profound love for them birthed.

 It all started with the off purchase of a book “The Story of Liberty” by Charles C. Coffin, written in 1879. This book took me through the amazing journey of liberty beginning in the 16th century and end with the Pilgrims first few years of survival in the New World. In story form Mr. Coffin acquainted me with the men and woman who desired simple freedoms and the sacrifices made in search of practicing them, most of them with their lives. By the end of the book I had fallen in awe of these many brave souls, became eternally grateful for their sacrifices, and was renewed with an intense sense of reverence and gratitude for the freedom gifted to me by their blood, selflessly. My outlook on history was forever changed, and my desire to preserve our liberty,  whatever the cost, began.

See, now I understand the “why” of our liberties stated plainly in our Constitution. I understand the first amendment in a new light. When our founders wrote: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”, they did so with good reason. Our Constitution is not a “copy” of any other nations,  its inception was a miracle to say the least, and its contents were of nothing ever before penned. That being true, logic leads to the conclusion there is a history of grief and trials that lead to its necessity of creation.

Thinking back to the era our founders lived, realizing they were ruled by England’s tyrannical crown, forced to practice faith under the Church of England, hiding behind pseudonyms to publish critical thoughts of the King, put to death for treason for publicly/privately speaking ill of the crown and/or its members, unable to assemble for independent Bible study, unable to publicly protest, and tried for treason if petitions of grievances made, it becomes plainly evident why the first amendment was penned. Daily we exercise this particular freedom in all its forms without a breath of thought why. We haven’t lived  under the full arm of tyranny to appreciate what our forefathers desperately wanted release from. They became traitors so we could be made free of the grievances that had plagued and persecuted our natural rights for millenia.

It is detrimental to our freedom’s preservation that we seek to know and understand our liberties. As Reagan once said: “Freedom is only one generation away from extinction”.

We must be diligently vigilant in preserving our freedoms and guarding against any and all encroachments thereof. We must always make known to our elected representatives that we are watching, we are active and we will Stand for our Constitution at all costs in order for liberty to not be LOST.

On April 26, 2014 is your opportunity to unite and make your voice heard across the nation. Join those of us who are committed to Stand at standacrossamerica.com and follow the movement on facebook.com/standacrossamerica and twitter @standacrossusa