Saturday, January 11, 2014


Word play: I say “Politician”
             You reply “ _______”
My guess  would be that the blank was filled with some of these:
Crook, Liar, Corrupt, Greedy, Selfish…

There is a Huge number of Americans who stay away from political discussions. They are disengaged completely from the political sphere, be it knowledge of current events in legislation, or who and what their Representatives are supporting. Yet these same Americans complain and make statements such as, “They’re going to do what they want anyway, they’re all liars”. The irony is their apathy is the power that gives the corruption, deception, greed, and thievery they complain about the ability to survive and the drive to continue with “business as usual”. IF Americans are truly believe that Washington is corrupt, yet do nothing, they are then complicit and guilty of the depravity of liberty handed down to the next generation.  The first thing that needs to happen to defeat the corruption we all hate is to put apathy to death!
Your voice means something, and you’ve bought their lie that it doesn’t! Your involvement constrains their actions, and you’ve bought the lie that it doesn’t! You are their managers, it’s time to start Managing Well!
On April 26, 2014 at noon, the Stand Across America event will give all those willing to step out an opportunity to make their voices heard. It’s time to unite in massive numbers to show DC we are FED UP with business as usual. We are silent No More! We The People demand change. We want the Constitution upheld. We want accountability. We want justice. We want honor in office. Most of all we want our Republic restored!

Commit to stand for the Constitution at
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Twitter @standacrossusa